There was a post on Facebook today that said, "Name one random thing about yourself." Something like that is so hard for me to figure out. Random? The word means "chosen without method or conscious decision; odd, unusual, or unexpected." In that I've never been able to do a 'rain dance' or any other thing to produce a rainstorm, then it could be considered random, I guess. But I find a rainstorm neither odd nor unusual. Maybe unusually beautiful. Often, it is unexpected. But then other times, it is predicted well in advance of the moment. So random? I'm not sure.. but that was my answer.
I just heard awhile ago that a rain shower is predicted for this afternoon. So I grab my jacket and head for the front door, to get in a quick walk before the rain preempts me. I'll enjoy the walk, but I believe that I'll enjoy the rain even more. There's almost nothing that I enjoy more than to sit on the front porch in my favorite rocking chair during a rainstorm, and listen to the heavy downpour. I often take a book or my guitar out with me, and enjoy two pleasures at once. There's something about the rain that causes chill bumps, that makes me tingle. It's exciting!
Yes, I love the feeling of rain coming down and the pitter-patter sound of it hitting the roof, the pavement, or the window. I even occasionally get brave and walk out into a heavy rain, and get myself soaked, just for the fun of it. There are some that would never think of doing that, but clothes dry, and so do we.
Jesus talked of our spiritual life as being a "river of living water". Yes, rain brings not only death, but life. It can be a refreshment to our souls, minds, and bodies. It can help a bad day become good and a good day become better.
So, the next time it rains, don't get mad or upset. Don't feel like your day is ruined. No matter what you might have planned, take time to enjoy the rain. And then, always look for the rainbow.
For he gives his sunlight to
both the evil and the good, and
he sends rain on
the just and the unjust alike. (Matthew 5:45)
the just and the unjust alike. (Matthew 5:45)
"The next time you see LA rain clouds, don't complain. It rains for you and me."
ReplyDelete"You've never felt the rain my friend, till you've felt it running down your back."
"Mamunia" by Paul McCartney